Shifting Circles Vision:

Humans living in Harmony with all Life on Earth

We are masters of our own experience in an epic and unique time in the history of conscious life.

Shifting Circles Media

All beings incarnated on Earth are being called to do something unknown. The amazing way that the indigenous cultures are being called to share their wisdom around the planet is part of this call to work together through this unique challenge.

When we are connected with the New Earth, we become the New Earth Human Family! But first we have to end the old Earth nightmare. That is what we are working together to do.

Shifting Circles Mission:

To document how individuals incorporate indigenous teachings into the modern world, affirming the innate wisdom of the Natural Order bringing us into harmony with the natural world.

Shifting Circles Goals:

  • To document and share indigenous wisdom teachings.
  • To share stories of humans incorporating indigenous wisdom into their lives.
  • To bring indigenous teachings into schools.