Listen to Patricia, in her own words describe her teachings. This special series was produced by Karah Pino and Krystal Kelley in an effort to preserve the knowledge transfer that Patricia offers for peace for our future generations. Watch Patricia’s Playlist

Since 2011, our teacher Patricia has re-membered us countless times along our spirit journey.

Patricia accepts donations via PayPal with her email address

Choctaw-Navajo/Chahta-Dineh Wisdom Keeper, PATRICIA ANNE DAVIS, MA of the Indigenous Wisdom Institute

Patricia Anne Davis speaking on Indigenous People’s Day in Seattle, WA

Patricia’s teachings on Native American Concepts

Living Hozho, in the Natural Order:
a reverent way of knowing and living within the interrelatedness between people and the natural order. Choosing the Path of Wholeness

The Wellbeing Continuum:
affirmative thinking system – Hozho: choosing constructive and life-affirming choices; healing from intentions and decisions that destroy oneself and others.
inverse thinking systemhocho: a thinking system in which reality depends on one’s perception and is thus subject to dualistic thinking.
The Disease of the Western world

5 step Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process:
The “new group of world servers” are called to change the vibration on the earth plane to love and peace by learning and teaching the “how to” healing process by making win-win constructive and life-affirming choices.
The four phases of an authentic Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process

The Gold Star Meditation for a Humane Humanity
This is the safest esoteric meditation that allows a person to access their own inner guidance and wisdom. This allows us the opportunity to be Remembering and awakening to our original spiritual identity. Our own Soul star contains all the knowledge about our purpose and our goal on earth and our life journey.
Three Part Meditation for Connecting and Grounding

Ceremonial Shawl by Patricia Anne Davis