Founder and Producer

I am Peter Van Hetzel.  Founder but not, by any means, the leader of Shifting Circles (SC).

What started from a sleeping dream has become a movement to assist you in transformational experiences  in either a scientific or mystical way.

Shifting Circles project is happening from generosity, openness, and a love for Mother Earth and her inhabitants. If you are here, you probably know what we have accomplished in British Columbia and perhaps we now go further with you. Always forward. Always with love. Always for Mother Earth. Always for our fellow beings.

Television Pilot Shifting Circles Cast and Crew
Some of the Crew and Healers of Britannia Beach Project One

We owe  much thanks to the core group of healers who back in 2011 in Britannia Beach, British Columbia, Canada. These brave people who consented to the first Shifting Circle opened up  hearts and spirits of the people associated with the beginnings of SC. How does one thank those who restore  sight and infuse purpose to those they meet?  We try to  thank them by actions. By remembering, as we move forward, the foundation created for us by the mindful energy, love, wisdom, and desire to learn and grow that we all experienced that Spring of 2011.

We believe in Shifting Circles as a frequency and vibration contributing to mindful reception of the Earth and Cosmic messages.

Listening without hearing.

Thinking without thought.

Emptying mind and filling heart.

Quieting mind, and manifesting a loud heart.

We come in Peace.

Have no fear, as you are welcomed to resonate within our Shifting Circles.