Shifting Circles Star Begins Journey to Everywhere

Weather, Economy, Social Instability Examples of World’s Circles Now Being Shifted.

Daring? Perhaps not since perhaps Neil Armstrong’s trip to the moon have we experienced a rocket journey like the one our Krystal Light has cosmically stepped into. The most daring of us might make last minute decision to go to Las Vegas for example. But perhaps only a special few spirits, for a potential globally transformational reason, quickly join a journey to receive intelligence on Peace from the cosmos in the Altai Mountains.

The trip will itself will be discovering guidelines for access to deepest life force and the power of alchemy and a schematic for adaptation of Tablets in relation to peace mapping. -A Global Peace Map from the Cosmos.- summarized from

The journey also will also be filled with the insight into the workings of the Altai spiritualists and the energies of the Altai Mir University’s fellow traveler’s led by Carol Hiltner. Amazing stories surround them all, in their own right.

With the World in Crisis, Krystal Light and Altai Mir Group Race to the Altai

But Shifting Circles focus today is on Krystal and her identification of her role in this mission. A mission that now taking on even more significance with the world in economic and social crisis. The timing of the trip, the upcoming 2012-2021 element, along with current social and economic turmoils must be inspiring Krystal and the Altai Mir Expedition group to push on and be open and ready to receive light that may transform humanity.

No Word as of Yet

We are still waiting for our first communications from the expedition. Will post on twitter at Fishandcranegrp