A Conversation, just a few miles outside of the Land of the Lost…

I came across this story that I wrote in 2010, probably right about this time of year. After chatting with Maia today, who travelled to Siberia in 2006, I thought of this story and wanted to share.

“A Conversation, just a few miles outside of the Land of the Lost”

With lake blue eyes, a prophetic worm named Dimitri stops.

He appears to be in perpetual slow motion. Moving as worms do, he states, “Indeed we do share a similar likeness. I have been to the Land of the Lost…have you been there?”

I answer, “I’ve been there, yes. It took a strong power to pull me up from the depths of that well.

Dimitri agrees, “yeah, tell me about it. I stayed too long…I don’t think it is safe for me to go back again, but maybe one day.”

I look up, look down, look all around…

I’m trying to gain a new perspective, where is my mind shift?

Finally, in an “ah-hah!” tone, I blurt out, “Once the universe finishes realigning itself, the Land of the Lost may take on a whole new meaning!”

Out of breath, I stare, wide-eyed at the prophetic worm’s pulsating body. Quite prophetically, dimitri states, “because of entropy, things are going to get crazier everywhere. The lost land won’t seem so lost anymore.”

Excitedly, I theory with, “it might even become the new sanctuary.”

Dimitri says, “you’re right, I’d like to go there again, but not alone. We can go, together. Let’s leave this place forever, at the speed of gravity.”

I suddenly become grim, “gravity travels at a constant, regardless of time. I’m scared.”

Dimitri tries to comfort me, “yes, our emotions can consume and destroy us. The concept itself seems rooted in our biology. I’ve had moments of separation from my body matter when I had complete control and peace. I felt freedom from ego and pain. But now, the fear is worse than ever. I’m trying to integrate my experience right now into this new baseline reality.”

I think I understand completely. I ask, “then, might it be possible to conquer fear itself by shifting your frame of reference?”

Dimitri confidently answers, “Yes, but at times it can be elusive. It takes strict discipline.” Our two eyes meet, we know….we know….we know.

No words needed, each of us knew we were on our own path to the Land of the Lost.

Dimitri, the prophetic worm and I parted ways together at the speed of gravity towards a sign that read, “Land of the Lost, Home of Infinite Possibilities”

Krystal Light

One fortuitous sun-up in May, I awoke midday. I wandered through a park... until it was dark. Passed by this fellow named Pete, it was fate that we should meet. I'm a writer with a voice, we all have that choice.... Shifting Circles allows us all to share... for mother earth, everyone should care. I have a story, long and deep, but it is the future we need to reap.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Peter

    Land of the lost, home of infinite possibilities!

    1. Krystal Light

      hey Peter, How do people subscribe to my blog?

    2. Peter

      I’ll get on that.

    3. Stafon

      A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thkans to this article.

    4. Monkey

      I can’t believe you’re not payling with me–that was so helpful.

    5. Darrance

      Yo, that’s what’s up turtfhully.

    6. Viki

      You rlealy saved my skin with this information. Thanks!

    7. Arnie

      So true. Honesty and eevrytihng recognized.

    8. Zariel

      I’m not esaily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

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